Our paper protoype shows the main components of the two parts of our design (a mobile web-app and a large touchscreen). We have detailed images showing the workflows for our two selected tasks: Sharing an Emotion and Feeling Validated.



Task 1: Share an Emotion

The user begins on their phone's camera screen. A QR code at the front desk of the museum brings the user to the Amarteurs webpage.


The user arrives at the Amarteurs webpage where they are asked for permission to run the webapp. If they hit Decline, the prototype is over. If they hit Accept, they will be brought to the app's idle screen.


Here is the idle screen of the webapp, waiting for the user to approach a piece of art. In the paper prototype, there will be a small piece of paper that says "Approach Art" to represent the user physically moving around the museum.


The user approaches a piece of art and is prompted to select how they feel. They can tap to select an emotion from the different emojis below the piece of art. In the prototype, the user can only select the Happy emoji.


The user has chosen their reaction emoji (in this prototype, Happy). They are shown a screen with the reaction they've chosen, with the option to go back or share their reaction. If they go back, they return to the previous screen with the possible emotions and the photo of the piece of art. If they choose to share, they are brought to the next screen.


Task 2: Feel Validated

The user has chosen to share their reaction emoji. They are told the number of people who felt the same way (chose similar reactions) and are shown that number of faces with the same expression as the one they chose. The user sees that other people reacted the same way they did (the numbers are slightly fudged so that some minimum number of people are always shown to have reacted similarly). The user feels like they are part of a group and is thus validated. They can tap the "Comment" button to progress to the next screen.


This screen asks the user to type a comment and shows a picture of the art. They can tap the send button to submit their comment. The comment is pre-prepared in the paper prototype.


The user has submitted their comment and is taken to a screen with comments in speech bubbles. These comments were deemed "similar" to the user's comment, and the words that triggered the similarity algorithm are bolded. If other people had similar thoughts, the user is shown that other people had similar thoughts and is thus validated. Otherwise, the user is still shown a list of comments that are deemed closest, so they still feel like part of the Amarteur community. They are prompted to go to the large board if they want to see more comments.


The user has gone to the board. In its initial state, it has a visualization of the exhibit with paintings surrounded by hues representing peoples' reactions to that art piece. The user is prompted to select an art piece by tapping. In the prototype they should choose "One Sheep, Two Sheep".


The user has selcted a painting by tapping on it. There are a bunch of silhouettes congregated at the painting and a list of emojis at the bottom to choose from to see how many people chose that specific emotion and what they commented.


The user has tapped an emotion (Angry in this prototype) and now sees the highlighted silhouettes of people who reacted with this emotion. They are also shown comment bubbles coming from the highlighted silhouettes. Tapping the comment bubbles takes the user to a thread of comments from that group


The user has pressed the comment bubbles and sees all of the comments associated with that reaction lain out in thread format. The user can tap "See Thread" next to a comment if there are existing replies and can directly tap the reply button to move to the replying screen.


The user tapped the "See Replies" button and now sees all of the replies to that comment uncollapsed. The user can reply to any of these comments using the keyboard. The user is an active part of the Amarteur community by doing so.
